The Last Page : Film Review

The film is primarily set in Nilampur, Malappuram, and documents the lives of the Adivasi populations that live in its forests – namely, the Chola Naykar (Cave People) and the Aranadar.

Historically, the forest lands that these 2 races inhabit were leased out by the British for cultivation in the 1920’s. However, after the British left, it was repossessed by local feudal lords and plantation owners.

Since then, the lives and culture of these indigenous people have gone downhill. The introduction of alcohol, new roads within forests causing elephant stampedes, miniscule payments for their rare herbs, rape and murder – and the sterilization of both males and females to control the Adivasi population and the expenses that’s part and parcel of ill-begotten births. Alcoholism is now prevalent in both the men and women, AIDS is spreading in the region and is given no news coverage, and dwindling populations suggest that these two races, and their 2500 year old cultures, will soon be wiped out.

Direction: Unnikrishnan Avala

By Rohan